Frantoio di San Gimignano visite guidate e vendita diretta olio



Frantoio di San Gimignano visite guidate e vendita diretta olio

A sensory

into the world
of olive oil

A sensory journey into the world of oil. Frantoio di San Gimignano, immersed in the green hills of Tuscany, hosts an Interactive tour where visitors of all ages will be accompanied through a particular and engaging journey to discover extra virgin olive oil through past, present and future. 

The opportunity to walk through the production sites, to interact with the millers and to admire the machinery is supported by the presence of interactive panels and cutting-edge technological installations in order to offer fun and educational experiences which, being designed for visitors and school groups, involve all five senses. Sight, hearing and touch through the guided tour meet taste and smell through the tastings of extra virgin olive oil and other oil-based products, thus allowing you to symbolically experience the whole olive cycle, from plant to table. 

The interactive tour experience is fully offered in two languages: Italian and English.

Frantoio di San Gimignano visite guidate e vendita diretta olio

A guided
flavours and

Interactive tour

Frantoio di San Gimignano is not only the place where fine extra virgin olive oil is produced. It is a place made of flavours and knowledge, curiosity and encounters, ancient traditions handed down from generation to generation and technological progress. The interactive tour was created precisely to bring all this richness to life and to share it through an exciting journey into the world of olive oil and trees which promises to engage children and intrigue adults.

An operator welcomes visitors, accompanies them inside the mill and introduces them to multiple thematic areas with ever-changing technologies and media:

Overflying the olive grove

3D viewers for an exciting virtual reality experience that, thanks to the flight of a drone, allows you to explore the olive groves of San Gimignano, the town and the pristine beauty of the Tuscan countryside from above, accompanied by music and readings of renowned authors.

Production yesterday and today:

On one side of the room the modern machinery of mill 4.0, on the other a large light box depicting an ancient stone mill and, in the middle, a room dedicated to the projection of a video aimed at recounting the evolution of the techniques of oil production over time thanks to an imaginary dialogue, thoughts and anecdotes, between three generations of producers.

The phases of the work

A step-by-step path, from the arrival of the olives to the mill up to the production of new oil, are told by panels illustrated with texts and images and relying on the aid of listening devices dedicated to in-depth study of different stages of processing: pressing, crushing, centrifugation and separation.

Oil and well-being

A touch lectern to discover all the benefits of extra virgin olive oil for the body, thanks to the focus on six different topics: “Types”, “Labels”, “Biochemistry”, “Recipes”, “Health” and “Cosmetics”. Lots of content rich in information and insights and many fun facts, images and videos.

Let’s play with oil:

A space dedicated to children with a large multitouch table where Olli, the cute olive oil mascot, guides children to discover topics related to the world of oil, through a friendly and exciting language and by offering quizzes and fun games which, if guessed and passed, allows the children to earn the title of “Expert in extra virgin olive oil”.


The visit to the oil mill may be made even more special by the possibility of a tasting, upon reservation. The palate becomes the protagonist with the tasting of extra virgin olive oil accompanied by typical Tuscan bread, preceded by a technical demonstration that guides the visitor to understand the different organoleptic properties of the product.

In addition to extra virgin olive oil, the tasting includes other local delicacies: pecorino cheese aged under olive leaves and, for adults, the “Olivello” liqueur obtained from an infusion of olive leaves from the San Gimignano oil mill.

This moment anticipates the entrance to the Shop dedicated to extra virgin olive oil in all its forms, with a variety of products on the shelves, ranging from nutrition, health and well-being. 


€ 15,00  Full price ticket
€ 10,00 Child ticket (5-12 years)
Free pass 0 – 4 years

€ 5,00
Free pass
0 – 4 years

GROUPS (10 PAX minimum)

€ 10,00 Full price ticket
€ 5,00 Child ticket (5 – 12 years)
Free pass 0 – 4 years

€ 5,00
Free pass 0 – 4 years


€ 10,00

Not just olive oil

The territory around us

Frantoio di San Gimignano is immersed in an area of ​​incredible historical, architectural, artistic and landscape richness which finds its heart in the “City of 72 towers” which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site but which also offers many possible excursions in the Tuscan nature and which boasts many other villages and towns just a few kilometers away where you can live experiences for children, teenagers and adults. We are therefore pleased to point out the tourist-environmental guides of which we are partners, with whom it will be possible to structure tailor-made itineraries according to your needs and interests.

Oleificio Toscano Morettini s.r.l.
Sede legale: Via XXV Aprile 121
52048 Monte San Savino (Arezzo), Toscana

P.Iva: 01163790510

Frantoio di San Gimignano
Loc. Casa Alla Terra 39
San Gimignano (SI)
Tel. (+39) 0577 1607416